File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task is used to perform different kind of operations on Files and Folders (or Directories). For instance, if you want to move the directory content from one location to other we can use this File System Task.
NOTE: File System Task uses the File Connection Manger to connect with the Files and Folders.
Configuring File System Task in SSIS 2014
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
- Name: Please provide the Unique Name
- Description: Briefly describe the Task Functionality. It is always a good practice to provide the valid description.
In SSIS, File System Task supports ten different operation on Files and Folders. Please see the available options in below screenshot
Operation | Description |
Copy Directory | Copies a folder from one location to another location. Please refer Copy Directory Using File System Task in SSIS article to understand the steps involved in Copying the Directory |
Copy File | Copies a file from one location to another location. Please refer Copy File Using File System Task in SSIS article to understand the steps involved in Copying the Files |
Create Directory | Using this options, We can create the directory at the specified location. |
Delete Directory | Deletes the selected folder present in the specified location. Please refer Delete Directory Using File System Task in SSIS article to understand the steps involved in Deleting the Directory |
Delete Directory Content | Deletes the content present in a selected folder. Please refer Delete Directory Content Using File System Task in SSIS article to understand the steps involved in Deleting the Directory Content. |
Delete File | Deletes the selected file present in the specified location. Please refer Delete File Using File System Task in SSIS article to understand the steps involved in Deleting the Files |
Move Directory | Moves a folder from one location to another location. Please refer Move Directory Using File System Task in SSIS article to understand the steps involved in Moving the Directory |
Move File | Moves a file from one location to another location. Please refer Move File Using File System Task in SSIS article to understand the steps involved in Moving Files |
Rename File | Moves a file from one location to another location and renames the file name. Please refer Rename File Using File System Task in SSIS article to understand the steps involved in Renaming Files |
Set Attributes | Using this options, We can set the attributes for the files and folder. This option includes (Hidden, ReadOnly, System and Archive options). Please refer Setting Attributes Using File System Task in SSIS article to understand the steps involved in Setting or altering the attributes of a files and folders. |
Source Connection
IsSorcePathVariable: This property has two options: True and False. If we set this property to true then source path is stored in a variable. If we set this property to false then we have to select the source path manually using File Connection Manger.
If we set the IsSorcePathVariable to true then new property called SourceVariable will be appeared.
SourceVariable: This property displays all the available system and user variables. Please select the appropriate variable which is holding the Source Path (File or Folder path). If you haven’t created any variable before then please click on the <New Variable..> as shown in the below screenshot.
Once you click on the <New Variable..>, it will open the new window called Add Variable to create the new variable. Here you can create the new variable which will hold the source path.
If we set the IsSorcePathVariable False then we have to configure the Source Connection using SourceConnection Property. If you already created the File Connection Manager you can simply select it from the drop down list.
If you haven’t created any connection Manager before, You have to create by selecting <New Connection..>. as shown in below screenshot.
Destination Connection
IsDestinationPathVariable: This property has two options: True and False. If we set this property to true then Destination path is stored in a variable. If we set this property to false then we have to select the Destination path manually using File Connection Manger.
If we set the IsDestinationPathVariable False then we have to configure the Destination Connection using DestinationConnection Property. If you already created the File Connection Manager you can simply select it from the drop down list.
If you haven’t created any connection Manager before, You have to create by selecting <New Connection..> as shown in below screenshot.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, a new window called File Connection Manager Editor will be opened as shown in the below screenshot. Using this we have to configure the Destination Connection.
Please refer File Connection Manager article to understand the configuration.
OverwriteDetination: This property has two options: True and False. If we set this property to true then File System Task will overwrite the existing files in the Destination path.
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor.
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Copy Directory Using File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task allows us to perform Ten types of Operations on Files and Folders. In this article We will show you, How to Copy the Directory from one location to another location Using SSIS File System Task with example. To Move the complete Directory, Please refer Move Directory Using File System Task article.
We have File System Task Folder inside the MSBI Folder. Below screenshot shows you the data inside that folder. Our task is to Copy the SSIS Blogger pics folder inside the File System Task Folder to Copied Folder inside F Drive.
Files inside the Copied folder are:
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region and rename it as Copy Directory Using File System Task
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
In this example, We are Copying directory so, Please change the operation property to Copy Directory as shown in the below screenshot
Let us configure the Source Connection by selecting the SourceConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Source Connection in the Variable then, please change theIsSourcePathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. In this example we are Copying existing directory so we are selecting Existing Folder option from the Usage Type
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing Folder.
From the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the SSIS BLOGGER pics folder inside the File System Task Folder
Click Ok to finish configuring the Source Connection.
Now we have to configure the Destination Connection so, Please select the DestinationConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Destination Connection in the Variable then, please change the IsDestinationPathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. Click on the Browse button to select the Existing Folder.
From the above the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the Copied Folder by clicking the Ok button.
Click Ok to finish configuring the File Connection Manager for the destination.
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor. Let’s run and see whether we successfully Copied the Directory using the File System Task or Not.
Well, We successfully Moved the SSIS blogger pics directory present in the File System Task Folder to the Copied Folder Directory.
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Copy Files Using File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task allows us to perform Ten types of Operations on Files and Folders. In this article We will show you, How to Copy File from one location to another location Using SSIS File System Task with example. To Copy the complete Directory, Please refer Copy Directory Using File System Task article.
TIP: Please use the For each Container to Copy multiple files from one location to another location.
We have File System Task Folder inside the MSBI Folder. Below screenshot shows you the data inside that folder. Our task is to Copy the cache.xml file inside the File System Task Folder to Copied Folder inside F Drive.
Files inside the Copied folder are:
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region and rename it as Copy File Using File System Task in SSIS
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
In this example, We are Copying single file so, Please change the operation property to Copy File as shown in the below screenshot
Let us configure the Source Connection by selecting the SourceConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Source Connection in the Variable then, please change theIsSourcePathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. In this example we are Copying existing file so we are selecting Existing File option from the Usage Type.
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing File from the file system.
From the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the Cache.xml file inside the File System Task Folder
Click Ok to finish configuring the Source connection.
Now we have to configure the Destination Connection so, Please select the DestinationConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Destination Connection in the Variable then, please change the IsDestinationPathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
In this example we are Copying existing file to the already existing folder so, we are selecting Existing Folder option from the Usage Type.
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing Folder from the file system.
From the above the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the Copied Folder as the destination folder. Click Ok button to select it.
Click Ok to finish configuring the File Connection Manager for the destination.
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor. Let’s run and see whether we successfully Copied the Cache.xml file using the File System Task or Not.
Well, We successfully Copied the Cache.xml file present in the File System Task Folder to the Copied Folder.
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Delete Directory Content Using File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task allows us to perform Ten types of Operations on Files and Folders. In this article We will show you, How to delete the Directory Content Using SSIS File System Task with example. To delete Directory, Please refer Delete Directory Using File System Task in SSIS article.
We have File System Task Folder inside the Music Folder. Below screenshot shows you the data inside that folder. Our task is to delete all the content inside the File System Task Folder (.xml, .xls, .txt files and the SSIS Blogger pics folder as well).
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region and rename it as Delete Directory Content Using File System Task
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
In this example, We are deleting directory content so, Please change the operation property to Delete Directory Content as shown in the below screenshot
Let us configure the Source Connection by selecting the SourceConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Source Connection in the Variable then, please change theIsSourcePathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. In this example we are deleting directory content so we are selecting Existing Directory option from the Usage Type
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing Folder.
From the above the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the File System Task Folder
Click Ok to finish configuring the File Connection Manager.
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor. Let’s run and see whether we successfully deleted the Directory Content using the File System Task or Not.
Well, We successfully deleted the Content present in the File System Task Folder or Directory.
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Delete Directory Using File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task allows us to perform Ten types of Operations on Files and Folders. In this article We will show you, How to delete Directory Using SSIS File System Task with example. To delete Directory content, Please refer Delete Directory Content Using File System Task in SSIS article.
We have File System Task Folder inside the Music Folder. Below screenshot shows you the data inside that folder. Our task is to delete the SSIS Blogger pics folder inside the File System Task Folder.
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region and rename it as Delete Directory Using File System Task
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
In this example, We are deleting directory so, Please change the operation property toDelete Directory as shown in the below screenshot
Let us configure the Source Connection by selecting the SourceConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Source Connection in the Variable then, please change theIsSourcePathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Although We created the connection Manager before, Just to show you the steps, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. In this example we are deleting directory so we are selecting Existing Directory option from the Usage Type
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing Folder.
From the above the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the SSIS BLOGGER pics folder inside the File System Task Folder
Click Ok to finish configuring the File Connection Manager.
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor. Let’s run and see whether we successfully deleted the Directory using the File System Task or Not.
Well, We successfully deleted the SSIS blogger pics directory present in the File System Task Folder or Directory.
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Delete File Using File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task allows us to perform Ten types of Operations on Files and Folders. In this article We will show you, How to delete File Using SSIS File System Task with example. To delete Directory, Please refer Delete Directory Using File System Task in SSIS article.
TIP: To Delete Multiple files we have to use the For each container.
We have File System Task Folder inside the Music Folder. Below screenshot shows you the data inside that folder. Our task is to delete single file (COUNTRIES LOOKUP.xls) present inside the File System Task Folder.
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region and rename it as Delete File Using File System Task in SSIS
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
In this example, We are deleting Single file so, Please change the operation property toDelete File as shown in the below screenshot
Let us configure the Source Connection by selecting the SourceConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Source Connection in the Variable then, please change theIsSourcePathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. In this example we are deleting single file so we are selecting Existing File option from the Usage Type
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing File (which is Countries Lookup.xls).
From the above the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the Excel file called Countries Lookup inside the File System Task Folder
Click Ok to finish configuring the File Connection Manager.
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor. Let’s run and see whether we successfully deleted the excel file using the File System Task or Not.
Well, We successfully deleted the Countries Lookup file present in the File System Task Folder or Directory.
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Move Directory Using File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task allows us to perform Ten types of Operations on Files and Folders. In this article We will show you, How to Move Directory from one location to another location Using SSIS File System Task with example. To delete the complete Directory, Please refer Delete Directory Using File System Task in SSIS article.
We have File System Task Folder inside the MSBI Folder. Below screenshot shows you the data inside that folder. Our task is to move the SSIS Blogger pics folder inside the File System Task Folder to Copied Folder inside F Drive.
Files inside the Copied folder are:
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region and rename it as Move Directory Using File System Task
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
In this example, We are Moving directory so, Please change the operation property to Move Directory as shown in the below screenshot
Let us configure the Source Connection by selecting the SourceConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Source Connection in the Variable then, please change theIsSourcePathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. In this example we are Moving existing directory so we are selecting Existing Folder option from the Usage Type
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing Folder.
From the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the SSIS BLOGGER pics folder inside the File System Task Folder
Now we have to configure the Destination Connection so, Please select the DestinationConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Destination Connection in the Variable then, please change the IsDestinationPathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
From the above the above screenshot you can observe that, We created New folder called SSIS BLOGGER pics folder inside the Copied Folder by clicking the Make New Folder button.
Click Ok to finish configuring the File Connection Manager for the destination.
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor. Let’s run and see whether we successfully Moved the Directory using the File System Task or Not.
Well, We successfully Moved the SSIS blogger pics directory present in the File System Task Folder to the Copied Folder Directory.
If you observe the source connection again (MSBI Folder), SSIS blogger pics folder is not present because we are moving the directory not coping it.
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Move File Using File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task allows us to perform Ten types of Operations on Files and Folders. In this article We will show you, How to Move File from one location to another location Using SSIS File System Task with example. To Move the complete Directory, Please refer Move Directory Using File System Task in SSIS article.
TIP: Please use the For each Container to move multiple files from one location to another location.
We have File System Task Folder inside the MSBI Folder. Below screenshot shows you the data inside that folder. Our task is to move the CUSTOMERS.txt file inside the File System Task Folder to Copied Folder inside F Drive.
Files inside the Copied folder are:
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region and rename it as Move File Using File System Task in SSIS
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
In this example, We are Moving single file so, Please change the operation property to Move File as shown in the below screenshot
Let us configure the Source Connection by selecting the SourceConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Source Connection in the Variable then, please change theIsSourcePathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. In this example we are Moving existing file so we are selecting Existing File option from the Usage Type.
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing File from the file system.
From the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the CUSTOMERS.tx file inside the File System Task Folder
Click Ok to finish configuring the Source connection.
Now we have to configure the Destination Connection so, Please select the DestinationConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Destination Connection in the Variable then, please change the IsDestinationPathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
In this example we are Moving existing file to the already existing folder so, we are selecting Existing Folder option from the Usage Type.
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing Folder from the file system.
From the above the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the Copied Folder as the destination folder. Click Ok button to select it.
Click Ok to finish configuring the File Connection Manager for the destination.
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor. Let’s run and see whether we successfully Moved the Customers.txt file using the File System Task or Not.
Well, We successfully Moved the Customers.txt file present in the File System Task Folder to the Copied Folder.
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Rename File Using File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task allows us to perform Ten types of Operations on Files and Folders. In this article We will show you, How to Rename File Using SSIS File System Task with example. To Move the file, Please refer Move File Using File System Task in SSIS article.
We have File System Task Folder inside the MSBI Folder. Below screenshot shows you the data inside that folder. Our task is to move the GEOGRAPHY.txt file inside the File System Task Folder to Copied Folder inside F Drive and rename it.
Files inside the Copied folder are:
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region and rename it as Rename File Using File System Task in SSIS
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
In this example, We are Renaming the existing file so, Please change the operation property to Rename File as shown in the below screenshot
Let us configure the Source Connection by selecting the SourceConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Source Connection in the Variable then, please change theIsSourcePathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. In this example we are Renaming the existing file so we are selecting Existing File option from the Usage Type.
Click on the Browse button to select the Existing File from the file system.
From the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the GEOGRAPHY.txt file inside the File System Task Folder
Click Ok to finish configuring the Source connection.
Now we have to configure the Destination Connection so, Please select the DestinationConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Destination Connection in the Variable then, please change the IsDestinationPathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Here, We haven’t created any connection Manager before so, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
In this example we are moving the existing file and renaming it so, we are selecting Create File option from the Usage Type.
Click on the Browse button to select the Destination Folder from the file system.
From the above the above screenshot you can observe that, We created the New text file called as NewGeography.txt inside the Copied Folder. Click Open button to create it.
Click Ok to finish configuring the File Connection Manager for the destination.
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor. Let’s run and see whether we successfully renamed the Geography.txt file using the File System Task or Not.
Well, We successfully Moved the Geography.txt file present in the File System Task Folder to the Copied Folder and renamed the file as NewGeography.txt.
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Setting Attributes Using File System Task in SSIS 2014
In SQL Server Integration Services, File System Task allows us to perform Ten types of Operations on Files and Folders. In this article We will show you, How to Set the Attributes for files and folders in the File system Using SSIS File System Task with example. To delete the Directory Content, Please refer Delete Directory Content Using File System Task in SSISarticle.
We have Copied Folder inside the Documents Drive (F). Below screenshot shows you the data inside that folder. Our task is to change the default attributes of the CUSTOMERS.txt File using this File System Task
Before creating the package, Let us show you the default attributes of the Customers.txt file
Drag and drop the File System Task into the Control Flow region and rename it as Set Attributes Using File System Task in SSIS
Double click on it will open the File System Task Editor to configure it.
In this example, We are changing the attributes of a single file so, Please change theoperation property to Set Attributes as shown in the below screenshot
Let us configure the Source Connection by selecting the SourceConnection property. If you already created the File Connection Manager before then select the created one or If you stored the Source Connection in the Variable then, please change theIsSourcePathVariable property to TRUE and select the Variable Name.
Although We created the connection Manager before, Just to show you the steps, We are selecting <New Connection..>.
Once you click on the <New Connection..> option, File Connection Manager Editor will be opened to configure it. Please select the file you wish to alter the attributes.
In this example we are altering the customers text file so we are selecting Existing File option from the Usage Type and Click on the Browse button to select the File.
From the above the above screenshot you can observe that, We selected the customers text file inside the Copied Folder.
Click Ok to finish configuring the File Connection Manager.
Let us change the Hidden Property of a text file to True. This will hide the text file
Let us change the ReadOnly Property of a text file to True. This will not allow us to alter the text file
Click Ok to finish configuring File System Task Editor.
Let’s run and see whether we successfully changed the attributes of a given file using the File System Task or Not.
Well, We successfully changed the attributes
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File System Task
Using this task, we can perform different operations at File level.
this includes
--> Copy a directory
--> Copy a file
--> Create a directory
--> Delete a directory
--> Delete the contents of a directory
--> Delete a file
--> Move a directory
--> Move a file
--> Rename a file
--> Set the attributes of a directory or file
- Using ForEach Loop container, we will copy all the files from source to destination
- Create one variable to store current file name
- Set following properties for ForEach Loop Container
- further properties of For Each Loop Container
- File System Task properties
- Make sure to choose proper Destination Connection like this
- Make sure to choose "copy file" operation
- Make sure to choose TRUE in IsSourcePathVariable and choose Currentfile in SourceVariable.
this includes
--> Copy a directory
--> Copy a file
--> Create a directory
--> Delete a directory
--> Delete the contents of a directory
--> Delete a file
--> Move a directory
--> Move a file
--> Rename a file
--> Set the attributes of a directory or file
- Using ForEach Loop container, we will copy all the files from source to destination
- Create one variable to store current file name
- Set following properties for ForEach Loop Container
- further properties of For Each Loop Container
- File System Task properties
- Make sure to choose proper Destination Connection like this
- Make sure to choose "copy file" operation
- Make sure to choose TRUE in IsSourcePathVariable and choose Currentfile in SourceVariable.
SSIS File System Task
In this article I am trying to discuss about a beautiful and widely used task in SSIS control flow and it is called the File System Task. Most of the SSIS developer prefers these tasks to work with file systems. So I decide to put it in my article list.
What the use of File System Task
As the name suggest the file system tasks is used to work with file system such as Copy or Move file from one location to another, Delete files and directories, Rename etc. It can work with attributes like hidden, archive, read-only etc.
To perform this type of operation on source and destination it needs file connection manager configuration or a variable that contain the respective path.
Limitation of File System Task
With lot of facilities provided by File System Task, it has certain limitation that we must understand. The File system tasks can only open a single file or directories. Therefore it cannot be used with multiple file or directories.
Don't worry; there is a solution for that. To do so we have to put the File System Task into Foreach Loop Containers.
Operation by File System Tasks
Here is a list of predefine operation that can be performed by File System Task.
| |
To copy a folder from one location to other.
Copies a file from one location to other.
| |
To delete a folder in a specific location.
Deletes a file in a specific location.
| |
To move a folder from one location to other.
Moves a file from one location to other.
| |
Renames a file in a specified location.
Creates a folder in a specified directory.
Files or Folder
Attributes of a file or folder includes Normal, Hidden, Read-only.
Example of File System Task
Step-1 [ Create a Package level Variable ]
We care a package level variable first which contain the source path.
Variable Name: v_SourcePath
Data Type : String
Scope : Package Level
Value : F:\Practice_SQL\SSIS\FileSystemTask\SourceFolder\SourceFile.txt
Please Note that the File name is very important here with Path of the folder others we got an error.
Step-2 [ Drag the File System Task to Control Flow pan ]
Now we are configuring the file system task editor.
Step-3 [ Run the Package and Analyze the Output ]
Hope you like it.