Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Working with NULL Values in SQL Server

We cannot predict values for most future data points while working with database systems. For example, tables used for customer information often have a mobile number column. It is possible that a customer does not hold a mobile number, or for reasons of privacy, he does not want to share his mobile number. In such cases, we can use NULL values to signify uncertain future data points.
What is NULL?
NULL is a keyword that signifies that no value exists.
Considering NULLs When Designing Tables
We need to determine which fields are going to allow NULL values. When designing tables, we need to consider which fields are required or mandatory to be filled in by the user and which fields are not mandatory. Based on this, we can decide whether to allow NULL values.
Customer_id INT      PRIMARY KEY,
FirstName   VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
LastName    VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
MobileNo    VARCHAR(15) NULL
We have designed a table, Customer, in which every field is required (NOT NULL), except the MobileNo field which allows NULL values.
Note: Primary key constraints are always NOT NULL, so there is no need to specify it explicitly.
NOT NULL indicates a value is mandatory (to be supplied). 
NULL indicates the value is not mandatory.
Inserting NULLs
We are using NULL for the mobile number in Case 2 because we do not have a Mobile Number for CustomerId = 2 right now. Make sure you do not put single quotes around NULL as it will be considered as a string where NULL is a special keyword.
Case 1 : We have a valid MobileNo.
Insert Into dbo.Customer (Customer_id, FirstName, LastName, MobileNo) 
Values (1, 'Hen', 'Kaz', 9833844);
Case 2 : We do not have a MobileNo and, hence, we are inserting it as NULL.
Insert Into dbo.Customer (Customer_id, FirstName, LastName, MobileNo) 
values (2, 'Rec', 'John', NULL);
Querying NULLs
Querying NULLs in SQL is different from querying regular data because we cannot query for the string literial ‘NULL’ or search for a value equal to NULL.
Case 1 : Incorrect Query
Case 2 : Incorrect Query
WHERE MobileNo like 'NULL'
Case 3 : Valid Query to Find MobileNos Having a NULL Value
Case 4 : Valid Query to Find MobileNos Not Having a NULL Value
Updating NULLS
Now, we have received the mobile number for customer id = 2, which earlier was NULL.
Let us update the mobile number for customer id = 2, where the mobile number is now NULL.
--For customer id 2 whose MobileNo is now NULL 
WHERE MobileNo IS NULL And Customer_id = 2

--Update MobileNo
SET    MobileNo = 91244
WHERE MobileNo IS NULL And Customer_id = 2

--See the changes
WHERE Customer_id = 2

--Setting up MobileNo to NULL again to include it in delete NULLs
SET    MobileNo = NULL
WHERE  Customer_id = 2

WHERE MobileNo IS NULL And Customer_id = 2
Deleting NULLs
When updating NULLs, it is recommended that you update the MobileNo for Customer Id = 2 to NULL again.
Use the following to delete rows having NULL values:
Delete from Customer
where MobileNo IS NULL

SQL Server – Dealing with NULL values when sorting

When working with NULL values, it’s important how you deal with NULL records in your database. This example walks through and explains how to sort and separate NULL and non-NULL values. This example should work with all database types including MySQL, MS SQL, and postgreSQL.
Let’s start with an example.
Consider an employee table.
eid         ename                salary      commission
----------- -------------------- ----------- -----------
100         jon                  2000        NULL
101         tim                  2200        NULL
102         mark                 2500        NULL
103         steve                3500        NULL
104         king                 5500        0
104         ward                 1500        300
105         adam                 5500        800
Now, you want to sort the results from employee table by the commission column. However, this column is nullable so we will need to specify whether NULL values sort last or first.
The result could contain NULLs sorted either first or sorted last.
select * from employee order by commission;

eid         ename                salary      commission
----------- -------------------- ----------- -----------
100         jon                  2000        NULL
101         tim                  2200        NULL
102         mark                 2500        NULL
103         steve                3500        NULL
104         king                 5500        0
104         ward                 1500        300
105         adam                 5500        800

(7 row(s) affected)
select * from employee order by commission desc;

eid         ename                salary      commission
----------- -------------------- ----------- -----------
105         adam                 5500        800
104         ward                 1500        300
104         king                 5500        0
100         jon                  2000        NULL
101         tim                  2200        NULL
102         mark                 2500        NULL
103         steve                3500        NULL

(7 row(s) affected)

The above queries sort the results for nullable column (commission). If you would like to sort non-NULL values in ascending and descending order and place the NULL values either first or last, you can use sub-queries with case expression.
Using a case expression, you can flag NULL values, and non-NULL values. Once accomplished, you can add a flag column in order by clause. Then you can easily sort non-NULLs values in ascending/descending order or the NULL values in first or last position.
Sorting the non-NULLs values in ascending or descending order.
select eid, ename, salary, commission
(select *,
case when commission is null then 1
else 0
end as is_null
from employee) x
order by is_null, commission;

eid         ename                salary      commission
----------- -------------------- ----------- -----------
104         king                 5500        0
104         ward                 1500        300
105         adam                 5500        800
100         jon                  2000        NULL
101         tim                  2200        NULL
102         mark                 2500        NULL
103         steve                3500        NULL

(7 row(s) affected)

In the above query, we have sorted non-NULLs in ascending order with NULLs at last.
Sorting NULLs first and non-NULLs in descending order.
select eid, ename, salary, commission
(select *,
case when commission is null then 1
else 0
end as is_null
from employee) x
order by is_null desc, commission desc;

eid         ename                salary      commission
----------- -------------------- ----------- -----------
100         jon                  2000        NULL
101         tim                  2200        NULL
102         mark                 2500        NULL
103         steve                3500        NULL
105         adam                 5500        800
104         ward                 1500        300
104         king                 5500        0

(7 row(s) affected)

Now you can see the results NULL values sorted first followed by non-NULLs in descending order.

NULL effects with IN and NOT IN Clause

Treatment of NULL values is an important factor when we are writing query. Sometimes it provide vigorous output if we don't treat NULL. Here in this article I am going to explain a particular scenario with NULL effects.
-- Query-1
-- Query-2
Consider the Query-1 WHERE conditions. It provides the proper output. But in Query-2 not provide any output.
If we have a closer look, the Query-1 is actually.
                            OR 10 = 2
                            OR 10 = 4
                            OR 10 = 10
                            OR 10 = NULL;
In WHERE condition we find OR operators, so it works fine for 10 = 10.
But for Query-2
                            AND 10 <> 2
                            AND 10 <> 4
                            AND 10 <> NULL; 
Here we find the AND operator and 10 is comparing with NULL. Here NULL is UNKNOWN.
When this is on, any query that compares a value with a null returns a 0. When off, any query that compares a value with a null returns a null value.
What MSDN says
"When SET ANSI_NULLS is ON, a SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name = NULL returns zero rows even if there are null values in column_name. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> NULL returns zero rows even if there are nonnull values in column_name.
When SET ANSI_NULLS is OFF, the Equals (=) and Not Equal To (<>) comparison operators do not follow the ISO standard. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name =NULL returns the rows that have null values in column_name. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> NULL returns the rows that have nonnull values in the column. Also, a SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> XYZ_value returns all rows that are not XYZ_value and that are not NULL."
By default the ANSI_NULLS is ON. Now we make it OFF and see the result set of Query-1 and Query-2.
-- Query-1
-- Query-2
Here in this case both the query is returning the same output.
Finding NULL Values
To find NULL values we can use
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE columns_name IS NULL;
But if ANSI_NULLS is OFF we can write this also
SET ANSI_NULLS OFF                           
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE columns_name = NULL;
Or by treating NULL values we can write this
SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE ISNULL(columns_name, '') = '';
Hope you like it.